Thursday, September 15, 2005

Elementary School Surprise

Today I went to Tai Elementary School. I had the first three classes of the day (thus effectively a half day), where I taught each of the three classes of 1st graders. 1st graders are by far the coolest grade out of all 6 in elementary school, but usually they are the least shy and haven't yet become reclusive. It's awesome. Today the entire class came each time to the teacher's room to come get me, and they also aren't shy about being clingy: i.e. having about 20 kids all try and hold your hand as you walk down the corridor around the school back to their classroom.

Teaching isn't really all that difficult. Today was basically my self introduction, going over 5 animals names and 鳴き声 or sound, and then finally going over other animals names and sounds. All in all, it was pretty fun. The picture about was taken with the "Ro" class, and I told everybody to put your arms up and yell before the picture was taken.


Anonymous said...

That is quite possibly the cutest picure ever. And oh how special I feel every time the little kids come to get me and all want to hold my hands, draw pictures for me, have them sign their books, etc.


Anonymous said...

Hi Neil, que lindos niños!! me encanto esta foto es algo tan especial, llena de energia!! espero que estes muy bien, a la distancia muchos cariños!!