Friday, November 25, 2005

Dinner at the Kondos

So two weeks ago from today I had dinner with the Kondos, rather just Junko and Keiko. They were Ben's last host family.

This was the delicious meal that was served up. Very good. I took a picture.

Otherwise, nothing new there. Junko is the coach of the hachihama elementary school volleyball team, and since I was at hachihama that day, I stuck around to watch/help with practice, then followed her home for dinner. The kids got a real kick at being able to practice with me, and while doing bumping drills asked that I spike it at them. This basically was more like target practice for me then bumping for them, seeing as they just held their arms out, closed their eyes, and prayed. If I hit it just right and where their arms were, it would turn out to be a decent bump. A small challenge when you're dealing with kids shorter than 5 feet tall too.

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