Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to my friend Andrea in Chile (it was this past Saturday). Still awaiting on pictures from her of her new neice...
I will also be eventually updating my blog with some pictures and comments of the lifestyle here in Columbus (rather London), Ohio. Work is going well, I'm learning a lot of Japanese and spending basically most of my day either studying it or using it, both during work and outside of work, so doing a reasonable job of keeping up the language.
Next up is to find a school to sign up for weekly lessons or employ one of my associates wives for 1 on 1 lessons.
Hope all is well with you all, give me a call anytime: 614's the area code, then 843, followed by 1858. If computer hacking programs are good enough to find that number, then I'll be darned.

1 comment:

okyan said...

Happy birth day to your friends!!
She is pretty girl.

I wonder is right side man in bottom photo you??

By the way,you're learning still Japanse. Wow!!
Are you planing to get job what useing Japanese??
Please ask me about Japanese question!!

I'm looking forward to see your new post!!

Have a nice day!!